Sheriff Project

Restore Our Republic

National Liberty Alliance has the only plan to put our servant government back under the Constitution.

President Trump SaidIn America, the people govern, the people rule, and the people are sovereign. I was elected not to take power, but to give power to the American people, where it belongs; If the righteous many, do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.” –

If the American People are to take “BACK THE POWER” they need to know how! And we need Sheriffs who will protect our Bill of Rights.

Send your Sheriff a copy of the book “Government by Consent”

It’s time to confront the wicked few, join the Revolution, go to –

Militia of the Several States!

1. QUESTION ? ARE YOU TIRED OF 3133 SHERIFFS, ( not Sheriffs ), WITH NO JURISDICTION ? Time to take the U.S.A. back by Militia                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2.TIME, HAS EXPIRED ! “WE” the people no longer have Public Servants, WE are THEM, Defund the SAME, ARMS UP !

3. What Year did U.S.A. Congress become USA CONGRESS, 1871, HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH in 150 years ?? REVOLT !

4. IT IS SAID, That the last line of defense for Law and Order is the Sheriff, I beg to differ, it is ” We” The Militia !!

Our common-law tradition, the backbone and lifeblood of our Constitution, is intolerant of professional bureaucrats: law-enforcement agents and prosecutors, which are all part and parcel of the civil-law tradition—the foe and antagonist of common law. In fact, professional prosecutors and armed police were never part of the American Colonist’s world and even for decades after American independence from Britain. See Brent Allan Winters, U.S. Constitution Declaration of ’76, A Common Lawyer Comments,U.S. Constitution Amend. II and cmt. (2010). In England professional prosecutors are still scarce; until recent times, London’s Bobbies remained unarmed. In New England, armed police were uncommon until at least 1825. Simply put, the Colonials’ common-law way of life distrusted government employees with guns, requiring instead that the people (those independent from government) arm themselves.

 A standing military and police force, with an overgrown executive [president], will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. (James Madison).

Bottom line: armed government employees, whether military or police, are dangerous to freedom. By contrast, our common law depends for the common defense and domestic peace upon the Militia of the several States: the People or a part of them, whether summoned for empaneling on the Grand or Petite Jury or for mustering armed, ever-ready to fall in ranks to quell unrest or fight invaders. In both cases, the one summoned is to come equipped to do his Constitution’s duty: for Jury duty, armed with knowledge of his power over the facts and the verdict; for Militia duty, armed according to the Second Amendment and his State’s Militia statute—yet (unlike standing armies and lifetime judges) posing no threat to freedom.

In addition, the professional soldier of the standing army tends more to fight for career and pay, and therefore to obey for pay; whereas the Militiaman’s passion for the fight focuses on hearth and home. Unlike the professional soldier, he is not career-minded and therefore less likely to obey an unlawful order. Bottom line: standing armies—as also career judges, prosecutors, and policeman—, whether in peace or war, become impatient, result-minded administrators often unwilling to protect personal rights. As the common law and Scripture trust the Jury over a government-employee judge, the loyal American trusts the Militia of the several States over a full-time standing army or police force.

The present American Police State has arisen Phoenix-like from the ashes of the Old World’s empires in proportion to Americans’ neglect of our Constitution’s arrangement of the Militia of the several States.

If We the People are not Educated we will not have Liberty or Freedom , it is the Peoples Duty, courses that are offered are the Militia, Government by Consent, Foundational Study course that is in 6 parts for New Members to start with gives you some History & Heritage of our Country , then these other courses I had mentioned! You will find these at the website under the blue bar at the top of the website!

This is the answer to our Countries problems today!

Did anyone notice that the 1st paragraph of the Declaration of Independence was missing, and, behind each of the candidates was ” . . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”?Wondering? Who chose to omit the 1st paragraph of that 1776 Declaration that provided to “the People” a process that would “alter … abolish … , and … institute (a) new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness”?Was it someone who has a personal relationship with their Creator; the one who endowed the “States” aka “Nobility” “with certain unalienable Rights” by CHARTER rather than someone who has a personal relationship with the ELOHIM who established “the Laws of Nature” to which ALL people are entitled?

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