Organizing County Committee of Safety in 3133 counties in U.S. It is the Peoples Duty!

We The People are Sovereign at the State Level and it is the Peoples Duty to change things that we find to be Unconstitutional ! The Declaration of Independence in Congress, July 4, 1776. We hold these truths to be self evident that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, that to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the rights of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

We have a solution for this problem, take action today to form your own County Committee of Safety by getting Educated in how to take back our Republic…

Tenth Amendment: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Real American History

This is a rough outline of events…

1213A.D. The Pope and Vatican created the Treaty of Verona claiming ownership of all lands and souls in the world.

1215A.D.  The Magna Carta was created to counter the Treaty of Verona.

1604A.D. The Virginia Company, a French chartered Crown owned company, was created.

1620A.D. The Virginia Company granted a settlement of American land to the crew of the Mayflower to colonize.

1638A.D. The Connecticut colony issued the Fundamental Orders.

1776A.D. The Declaration of Independence was created and notice was given to the international community.

1783A.D. The Virginia Company changed its name to UNITED STATES of AMERICA. [All caps]

1787A.D. Articles Of Confederation was created.

1789A.D. Founders met at Constitution Hall in Philadelphia Pennsylvania and created the Federal Constitution to create a more perfect union. A reporter asked Ben Franklin “What form of government have you brought upon us?”. Ben Franklin responded “A republic”, “If you can keep it”. General Lee standing behind Ben Franklin said “And if you cannot keep it, you will end up with a Democracy”. This was the beginning of the Great American Experiment to see if the people can self govern. From this day forward the VaticanLondon, and the Crown worked to subvert and take back the colonies.

1791A.D. The first 10 Amendments to the Federal Constitution became the Bill of Rights.

1812A.D. British soldiers burn our nation’s capitol to eliminate the original 13th amendment Title of Nobilities Act that forbids any nobility from holding a public office or trust. The British lost the battle and could not take the colonies. The Crown decided to take the colonies from within by stealth. British Accreditation Registry (B.A.R.) card holding lawyers with an oath given to Britain (allegiance to a foreign power) were instructed to subvert the American government and destroy it from within.

1861A.D. A Lawyer with Title of Nobility by the name of Abraham Lincoln in violation of the Title of Nobilities Act (Original 13th Amendment) became President on March 4th. On March 14th eleven southern states walked out of Congress without adjourning and setting a date to return. This is Sine Die. This is THE day our Republican form of Constitutional government became vacant. After this date America has NO government and all governmental actions are de facto and fraud.

1863A.D. Abraham Lincoln issued General Order 100 stating that “Until the people return to self governing, the military is to run the country.” (This is our doorway to return to original jurisdiction). America came to be governed under Lieber Code (Military Law, Martial Law). This is the same Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower warned us about.

1865A.D. On April 14, Abraham Lincoln was eliminated before he could bring us out of Martial Law.

1871A.D. The Military hires the Virginia Company a.k.a. UNITED STATES of AMERICA to provide 19 essential governmental services to the American People.

1928A.D. War Department issues Field Training Manual 2000-25 on Citizenship and how to return to a Republican form of Constitutional government from a Democracy. General Douglas MacArthur studies under this manual.

1932A.D. Franklin Delano Roosevelt orders the Training Manual 2000-25 and all negative references to a Democracy destroyed with no explanation.

1945A.D. – 1950A.D. General Douglas MacArthur created Project Bluebook where he hand picked a few of the brightest in the special forces and trained them in nation building and the Constitution. These guys who participated in Project Bluebook formed the Restore America plan.

John F. Kennedy was the first who attempted to restore original jurisdiction by returning to the republican form of Constitutional Government. Kennedy was eliminated.

Committee of Safety Handbook:

Red Beckman’s Fully Informed Jury Training Part 1

Please forward to your own Pastor. This video needs to go Viral. I am sick of this political correct garbage socialist crap the communist party is dishing out to Americans daily. This is basic 101 Constitutional law right there in the Bill of Rights. This pastor must be teaching US Constitution from the Pulpit.

Polish Pastor Chases Cops out of Church on Easter Weekend!

  • Amendment IV
    The right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. No warrants shall be issued unless with probable cause.

 We out number them.It is time everyone takes this guy’s action to heart. We must all do the same to stop this insanity and boycottany organization pushing this unAmerican anti Christian garbage down our throats. Vote where it counts:  In the market placewhere the Consumer is KING!  Let their bottom line feel the same pain their actions have been inflicting on us. Stand up America. It is time We the Peoplwe take this nation back from this Nazi Socialist crap 

The US Constitution is one of the most influential documents ever written. More than 100 countries around the world have used our Constitution as the foundation for drafting their own constitutions.

Our Constitution is not lengthy; it only contains a short Preamble and 7 Articles. Yet it is powerful enough to be the foundation upon which our Nation was built.  This video was Constitution in ACTION!!!Ron

The Constitutionally Educated Militiaman is Key to The Preservation of The Constitution
and Common LAW Ask Mr. Winters at

The Constitution of the United States

U.S. Declaration of Independence

Meet Captain James Jack of Mecklenburg County and this is history being made in my County that I live in. So exciting and great success to be free from British control!

Captain James Jack taking control in becoming self governing county by taking some documents to the First Continental Congress riding on Horseback to Philadelphia PA.

History of Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence.

Read about the great accomplishment’s that Sherman Skolnick was doing in trying to clean up the Illinois Justice Court System, while being wheelchair bound:

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